Friday, August 18, 2017

The Best Planter Options for Your Garden

There are a lot of benefits associated with growing plants in containers and pots. Firstly, the planters allow you to grow plants in the courtyard, patio, balcony, window sills and even indoors with adequate lighting. Secondly, you are able to grow those plants which may not be suited to the soil of your garden. Thirdly, the task of weeding is eliminated because weed seeds usually do not penetrate their way into pots and containers. Lastly, gardening is made easy for even children and elderly people with mobility problems.
These are some of the most attractive and durable options of Outdoor Planters which can be considered by gardening enthusiasts for beautifying their outdoor spaces.

Planter box

Planter boxes are modern planters that are widely used for imparting an attractive look to the garden. The different kinds of planter boxes include;
a) Window planter boxes which are designed to suit the windows perfectly. These planters can be fixed to the window at the verandah or balcony.
b) Salad box planter is suitable for small spaces. It can be placed at the balcony, patio or verandah to impart a green atmosphere to the house.
c) Vegetable gardening planter box has been tailor-made for growing vegetables. People who have a liking for vegetable gardening should go for this planter.
d) Multi-level planter box is an unique planter which provides various levels for growing flowers, vegetables, small plant, etc.
Illuminated planters
Make your planters penetrate the darkness of the garden at night by going for LED PlantersThese planters are available in various sizes and shapes such as square, oval, rectangular, round, etc. LED bulbs used in these planters help in saving energy. The planters are made shock-resistant to prevent damage. Waterproofing feature of such planters helps in combating rain damage.

There are many high quality Plastic Planters available in the market. These are lightweight and highly durable. The planters constructed of plastic heat and cool quickly which prevents damage to roots and microorganisms even if it is placed in a sunny area. Such planters also possess more drainage holes than planters made of ceramic or terracotta. Furthermore additional holes can also be drilled at the base of a plastic planter. Moisture preservation is another useful feature of a plastic planter.
For example, Fox B Planters are made of high quality plastic material and many of them come with a marble finish. They are water resistant and unbreakable besides being highly lightweight. These planters come in different sizes and colors such as beige, grey, white, etc.
Wooden planters
Wooden planters are obviously lightweight. The type of wood used in the construction and dimensions are main determinants of the weight. Wooden planters can be bought in a plethora of timbers and colors. They can also be blended easily with other garden features such as benches, trellises and many more. Wooden planters can be easily painted according to the creative preference of the owner.
Metal planters
Metal planters have a high decorative value and are highly resistant against breakage, chipping and cracking. However, they do not provide adequate insulation therefore, plastic pot liner or clay must be used on the planter to improve insulation.

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